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逼真的触觉需要高保真的身体建模和忠实的驾驶才能使动态合成的外观与现实无法区分。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个端到端框架,该框架解决了建模和推动真实人的全身化身方面的两个核心挑战。一个挑战是驾驶头像,同时忠实地遵守细节和动态,而这些细节和动态无法被全球低维参数化(例如身体姿势)所捕捉。我们的方法支持驾驶穿着皱纹和运动的衣服化身,而真正的驾驶表演者展出了训练语料库。与现有的全局状态表示或非参数屏幕空间方法不同,我们介绍了Texel对准功能 - 一种本地化表示,可以利用基于骨架的参数模型的结构先验和同时观察到的稀疏图像信号。另一个挑战是建模临时连贯的衣服头像,通常需要精确的表面跟踪。为了避免这种情况,我们通过将体积原语的混合物扩展到清晰的物体,提出了一种新型的体积化头像表示。通过明确合并表达,我们的方法自然而然地概括了看不见的姿势。我们还介绍了局部视点条件,从而导致了依赖视图的外观的概括。拟议的体积表示不需要高质量的网格跟踪作为先决条件,并且与基于网格的对应物相比,具有显着的质量改进。在我们的实验中,我们仔细研究了我们的设计选择,并证明了方法的功效,超过了最新方法在挑战驾驶方案方面的最新方法。
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基于图像的体积人类使用像素对齐的特征有望泛化,从而看不见姿势和身份。先前的工作利用全局空间编码和多视图几何一致性来减少空间歧义。但是,全球编码通常会过度适应培训数据的分布,并且很难从稀疏视图中学习多视图一致的重建。在这项工作中,我们研究了现有空间编码的常见问题,并提出了一种简单而高效的方法,可以从稀疏视图中对高保真体积的人类进行建模。关键思想之一是通过稀疏3D关键点编码相对空间3D信息。这种方法对观点和跨数据库域间隙的稀疏性很强。我们的方法的表现优于头部重建的最先进方法。关于人体的重建是看不见的受试者,我们还实现了与使用参数人体模型和时间特征聚集的先前工作相当的性能。 Our experiments show that a majority of errors in prior work stem from an inappropriate choice of spatial encoding and thus we suggest a new direction for high-fidelity image-based human modeling. https://markomih.github.io/keypointnerf
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Recent advances in image-based 3D human shape estimation have been driven by the significant improvement in representation power afforded by deep neural networks. Although current approaches have demonstrated the potential in real world settings, they still fail to produce reconstructions with the level of detail often present in the input images. We argue that this limitation stems primarily form two conflicting requirements; accurate predictions require large context, but precise predictions require high resolution. Due to memory limitations in current hardware, previous approaches tend to take low resolution images as input to cover large spatial context, and produce less precise (or low resolution) 3D estimates as a result. We address this limitation by formulating a multi-level architecture that is end-to-end trainable. A coarse level observes the whole image at lower resolution and focuses on holistic reasoning. This provides context to an fine level which estimates highly detailed geometry by observing higher-resolution images. We demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art techniques on single image human shape reconstruction by fully leveraging 1k-resolution input images.
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Pixel-aligned Implicit function (PIFu): We present pixel-aligned implicit function (PIFu), which allows recovery of high-resolution 3D textured surfaces of clothed humans from a single input image (top row). Our approach can digitize intricate variations in clothing, such as wrinkled skirts and high-heels, including complex hairstyles. The shape and textures can be fully recovered including largely unseen regions such as the back of the subject. PIFu can also be naturally extended to multi-view input images (bottom row).
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This study targets the mixed-integer black-box optimization (MI-BBO) problem where continuous and integer variables should be optimized simultaneously. The CMA-ES, our focus in this study, is a population-based stochastic search method that samples solution candidates from a multivariate Gaussian distribution (MGD), which shows excellent performance in continuous BBO. The parameters of MGD, mean and (co)variance, are updated based on the evaluation value of candidate solutions in the CMA-ES. If the CMA-ES is applied to the MI-BBO with straightforward discretization, however, the variance corresponding to the integer variables becomes much smaller than the granularity of the discretization before reaching the optimal solution, which leads to the stagnation of the optimization. In particular, when binary variables are included in the problem, this stagnation more likely occurs because the granularity of the discretization becomes wider, and the existing modification to the CMA-ES does not address this stagnation. To overcome these limitations, we propose a simple extension of the CMA-ES based on lower-bounding the marginal probabilities associated with the generation of integer variables in the MGD. The numerical experiments on the MI-BBO benchmark problems demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed method. Furthermore, in order to demonstrate the generality of the idea of the proposed method, in addition to the single-objective optimization case, we incorporate it into multi-objective CMA-ES and verify its performance on bi-objective mixed-integer benchmark problems.
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Removing reverb from reverberant music is a necessary technique to clean up audio for downstream music manipulations. Reverberation of music contains two categories, natural reverb, and artificial reverb. Artificial reverb has a wider diversity than natural reverb due to its various parameter setups and reverberation types. However, recent supervised dereverberation methods may fail because they rely on sufficiently diverse and numerous pairs of reverberant observations and retrieved data for training in order to be generalizable to unseen observations during inference. To resolve these problems, we propose an unsupervised method that can remove a general kind of artificial reverb for music without requiring pairs of data for training. The proposed method is based on diffusion models, where it initializes the unknown reverberation operator with a conventional signal processing technique and simultaneously refines the estimate with the help of diffusion models. We show through objective and perceptual evaluations that our method outperforms the current leading vocal dereverberation benchmarks.
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